Hello, and welcome to the NimNim blog! I’m Lily and I started running social media for NimNim this month, and I am so excited to get started with this platform as well. For my first entry, I decided to try NimNim out myself and give an honest, unfiltered review.

I started working with NimNim this past month and was always curious what the service was actually like. How could I endorse and promote something if I didn’t know about it firsthand? So, I decided to give NimNim a whirl. For some background: I am quite the minimalist with laundry. I’m a college student, so I maybe do laundry once every two to three weeks (sometimes four, unfortunately). I use your classic Tide Pods and maybe a dryer sheet every once and awhile. My one saving grace is that I started folding laundry for my family very early on and I’ve become a very fast, efficient folder over the years. Regardless, I knew NimNim would be a step up from my own practices, but I had no idea by how much.

On Sunday, I placed my order on the NimNim app and selected my preferences. I got a typical wash and fold for my GIANT pile of laundry that has been sitting in my room for the past month.

The cool thing about NimNim is that it’s as customizable as it would be if you did your laundry yourself. Hate scented detergent? NimNim has an option for that. Want your stuff washed cold? NimNim has you covered on that, too. I was especially pleased that I could get some fabric softener included, too! Now, I have a ton of free time because I’m taking online classes, but if I were out of my house all day, I’d definitely select the rush delivery option. Long story short, I placed my order and went to go make some lunch. Not even two hours later, I got a text saying that my order was ready for pickup! I brought my clothes down to Nimish (the NimNim COO and its namesake) and he put my clothes in an adorable NimNim laundry bag!

Just a day later, I got the text saying that my NimNim order was on its way back! Just as I indicated on my preferences on the app, my laundry returned, nicely folded in separate bags, during 4-6 pm (here’s an example):

All of my clothes were there, folded by type, smelling great, and luckily had no freak accidents in the washing machines. Not to mention that the price point was pretty great and was actually cheaper than a lot of laundromats I’ve been to in the past.

I’m so glad that I can say that I fully approve of NimNim’s services. They are a great company– let’s support small and local businesses to boost one another up!


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