Hello, NimNim Fam! We hope you have all been staying safe, healthy, and happy throughout these past couple of weeks. For this week’s blog post, we wanted to highlight some of the efforts made by the NimNim Team, specifically by our company leaders, that help make our company what it is. If you want to read more of their individual answers, check out Akshay’s interview and Nimish’s interview. Stay tuned!

Nimish Sahani

I was born in New Delhi, India. My family and I migrated to the USA and I spent my early school days in a suburban town west of Boston. From a young age, I was always very curious and innovative, always wanting to help others. I started working at the age of 15, so  understanding the value of money💰 at an early age always motivated me to keep working and growing. Prior to starting my own company, I have worked and learned about various business models with two other companies. We were familiar with the laundromat business model because of our own family business. Living in the modern world, we kept on learning and innovating on top of that. Finally, we developed our app and were able to integrate our personal history into the digital world’s needs. After all, the world is so fast-paced these days and many students and professionals simply don’t have time to do laundry!

In the next 5 years, I envision NimNim to be a brand that more people will use! The new norms are changing. People will change the way they run errands and I believe NimNim has an amazing opportunity to grow and expand. Hopefully, in addition to Boston and Miami, we can service 10 more cities!

I moved to the suburbs of Westborough, MA from New Delhi, India in 2004. My father wanted to give us all the resources to excel in life, therefore we moved to the United States to get out of our comfort zone in India and challenge our boundaries. After doing two years of high school, I got admitted to Northeastern University, where I did my undergrad in finance and entrepreneurship. I’ve held multiple internships in finance and market research, and believe that this experience has helped me carve my path towards what I want to do.

We are in a market with a lot of noise. Getting your message out to the audience is the hard part due to limited ad space, so coming up with mechanisms to counter that with creativity is the fun part. Some of the other challenges are around constantly working to build a culture of transparency with customers. In the past, we have learnt that customer is only looking to solve a problem when they come to you so when they do you better solve the problem and have all your process laid out so at each point of the journey there is no breakage and that is the most fun part because it comes keep you on your toes as your constantly running on the high of improvising the touch points of the journey. For example how can their pick up and drop off experience improve? We don’t only do limited locker or Concierge pick up, our model is built to suit the needs whether you live in a high rise or a brownstone.

Just for fun, here are my own two cents about NimNim! I’m definitely not a co-founder here, but I am the Marketing Director at NimNim and am incredibly grateful for the efforts made by my bosses, Akshay and Nimish. Working with NimNim has challenged me intellectually and has inspired me to do some of my best work when it comes to devising a marketing strategy, brand, and overall social media presence. I am a student at Tufts University where I study Psychology, Entrepreneurship, and Child Study & Human Development. I love plugging in my Psychology knowledge to my work with NimNim. Psychology is all about understanding human needs, wants, and desires, and interpreting why those factors might influence people to make certain decisions. When putting this in a content creation perspective, I love coming up with content ideas like laundry hacks, follower Q&As, and more that help our audience keep NimNim present in their lives. Our mission is to provide convenience and ease to people who might not have access to their own washer or dryer or those who don’t have the time to do laundry themselves on a regular basis.

Thank you so much for reading this post! We are so happy to service you and are looking forward to continuing this journey with you all by our side! Cheers!


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