Hi everyone! We’re eager to be featuring this topic on our blog today because it’s a message that is worth sharing. Unfortunately, COVID cases have been rising at an alarming rate throughout the country. So please, wear a mask and social distance whenever possible to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Stay at home, order groceries online if you can, meet with friends or colleagues on Zoom instead of in person, and stay six feet (about two arms’ length) away from others. And yes, we’ll say it again, wear a mask! Since COVID is a virus that spreads through the air, wearing a mask limits the amount of air that can leave your space and thus keeps you and your community safe by limiting transmission.

Here is a helpful graphic from the World Health Organization that provides some insight on mask-wearing and safety.

As a local business, protecting and servicing our friends in the area is our top priority. Here at NimNim, we’re always considering the well-being of the NimNim fam in the Boston and Miami areas and realize we have a responsibility to these communities. We are using our voice to encourage what’s right. We want to advocate for healthy living, especially as COVID-19 cases rise. Check out some of our NimNim masks we’ve been sporting lately! We’ve been distributing them at our residential community events, so keep an eye out!

As you can see in the photo, we created our own line of masks to protect the safety of our community in a new way. Check out some of the NimNim fam rocking their masks! On a personal note, I wear my NimNim mask all the time (my picture is the bottom left!) and can attest that it’s actually the most comfortable mask I own.

Our mission has always been to make people’s lives easier. By wearing a mask, you can make our mission a reality with us. Wear a mask for healthcare workers who are already overwhelmed with the number of cases they face every day. Wear a mask for immunocompromised people and the elderly. And finally, wear a mask for you! Together, we can protect the communities that we hold near and dear to our hearts. We know the people of this country, especially the people of Boston and Miami, are strong and can handle whatever comes. Let’s all do our part to slow the spread of this virus once and for all.


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