Hello, NimNim Fam, and welcome to this week’s blog post! We think this blog post is really important to feature right now, so we are so happy you’re here to read. We value all of our customers and their health, so this week, we will be discussing ways to stay safe and social during this ever-changing pandemic. We’ll go over various tips to stay social in a safe way, alternatives to chores and other activities that reduce virus exposure, and more. We at NimNim are very passionate about helping you navigate this virus in a safe and convenient way!
First, let’s talk about socially-distanced movie nights! You may have heard of Netflix Party, the Chrome extension that allows you to message friends while you watch Netflix simultaneously. However, some have complained that Netflix Party is lacking because they don’t offer the option to video chat while watching a show or movie. Scener, another Google Chrome extension, offers the option to do just that. It’s free, easy to use, and most importantly, allows you to socialize without having to expose yourself or others to the virus. Find more information at scener.com or look up the extension in the Chrome web store!
Next, we have to discuss our own service, right? For those who do not have a washer and dryer near them or in their house or apartment, doing laundry at a laundromat or somewhere else can pose a problem when trying to navigate COVID. Additionally, some customers may be scared about heading back to their local dry cleaner to drop off and pick up clothes. Luckily, NimNim offers contactless pickup and delivery for a variety of services, such as wash and machine dry, wash and air dry, dry cleaning, washing and drying household items, shoe and clothing alterations, and more. Our app allows you to customize everything from bleach preference to detergent preference. With NimNim, you get all of the customization and personalization you would get normally but without risking the safety and health of you and your loved ones. When you place your order in our app, just note how you want your pickup and delivery handled! Our facilities practice safe social distancing and our drivers do the same. We even offer NimNim face masks! Better yet, all of your clothes will come back in separate clothing bags to reduce exposure even further. We value your health and we know that laundry shouldn’t be an inconvenience, much less cause you any worry. Let us take care of your laundry– and your health!
Our app features a section where you can write pickup and delivery notes for your driver, including contactless delivery!
Finally, consider an outdoor activity to get social with friends! For all of us up in Boston, sledding has been a huge way to get active and to get some actual face time with friends. If you live outside of the city or just want a change of scenery, consider going to the President’s Lawn at Tufts University for some awesome sledding action! A quick 10-15-minute drive from the heart of Boston, Tufts’ location cannot be beat. The Prez Lawn is so large that it is easy to stay at least six feet apart from others while being able to hang out with friends and family. The Prez Lawn offers a ton of options, from gentle, rolling hills to super steep slopes! That way, any kind of sledder and thrill-seeker can do something that is comfortable for them. Tufts isn’t known as being a “light on the hill” for nothing! Sledding is a free, fun, and safe way to get active and socialize safely!
A first-person view from the top of the hill on the Prez Lawn!
We hope that these tips have helped ease some anxiety about COVID and being able to maintain social relationships during this challenging time. The NimNim team is here for you and we want to support our customers as much as we can! Stay well and stay safe! ‘Til next time!