In light of the global COVID-19 situation, we want to reassure our customers of the measures NimNim is taking. Our cleaning processes are, by default, designed to kill germs, bacteria and viruses.

  1. Wash & Fold service: We do not mix your clothes with other customers’ when sent for Wash & Fold. Each order is washed in separate small washing machines which are regularly disinfected.

  2. Dry-Cleaning service: Your clothes are cleaned with eco-friendly chemical disinfectants which are highly effective against flus and viruses
    Your clothes are cleaned with eco-friendly chemicals which include disinfectants that are built to kill the germs, followed with an highly-effective steam iron at a temperature of 120 F to 150 F.

  3. Our staff wear masks at all times in the facilities and each station is sanitized before the day starts and after the day ends

  4. All drivers are equipped with masks and hand sanitizers at all times, which they are required to use after every drop off.

  5. All staff have their temperatures checked daily and are being told to maintain social distance

hygiene practice at NimNim - Gif

NimNim started as a door to door service, hence our model is built to service your needs during these times. Please take the opportunity of letting us service you during these times.


Akshay Sahani
Ceo & Co-Founder


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